

an epic life

Posts Tagged ‘optimism’

Look for the Pony

March 26th, 2020

Hi! I hope you are healthy and well during this challenging and uncertain time.

It is easy to feel anxious and even hopeless during this COVID-19 public health crisis. It is impacting every aspect of our lives. But it is also a time when we see so much good in humanity. Thank you, more than I can say, to medical workers, doctors and nurses, first responders, and all who are helping our sick and keeping things going (while risking their own health and lives) during this difficult time. And for those of you who have lost loved ones to Coronavirus, I’m so very sorry for your loss.

The compassion and generosity by so many are cause for optimism. Here’s a short video I recorded a few days ago. I hope you’ll watch it and consider sharing it. Thanks for stopping by, and I wish you and the people you know and love good health and strength during this time.