Epic Life’s Programs and Services
December 3rd, 2019
“We risk our life when we don’t live it.” –Me
Hi! My name is Shelli Johnson. I started Epic Life Inc. nine years ago. I offer a wide range of services and programs, and the following is an overview of most of them. (If you’d like to know more about me as you consider my programs or working with me, there’s a bio at the end of this page.)
The following are programs and services I offer, with some information about each.
EPIC MIDLIFE WOMEN: “Navigating the Wilds of Midlife”
Are you a woman in the middle of your life? If so, you may agree with me when I say the struggle is real. While midlife is a meaningful and beautiful stage of life–a time of harvest and reaping the benefits of years of striving, raising children (or not), overcoming challenges, making memories, and more–it can also be a hard and disorienting time.
It’s a time when our body is changing. And it’s no joke! We are approaching, or have arrived at, the end of our reproductive years. We experience physiological and psychological changes that can make it feel like all hell is breaking loose. These symptoms can last 4-12 years for women. (Note: Not all women struggle in perimenopause/midlife. There are some who sail through this stage without incident. I just don’t know any of them.)
Are you floundering a bit? Do you feel like you’re entering a new land–a wilderness–and it’s difficult to see a path through?
Thankfully, we have lots of places to look to for help as we find our way through “the wilds of midlife.” The most helpful “medicine” I’ve found so far for the challenges of perimenopause and all things midlife–of all of the solutions I’ve purchased or tried–has been connecting with other women. I have found support and guidance from the women in my life, including my mother, my sisters and my friends, and all of the women I have coached or worked with who are experiencing midlife or who have gone before me and made it to the other side of The Change. I find tremendous comfort in the meaningful conversations and intimate sharing of knowledge and experiences that result when women in midlife are together.
So I would like to facilitate more of that, and the Epic Midlife Women program is my effort to do that. This will be a gathering of 18-24 women. (Due to limited space, I’m targeting women who are in their 40s and 50s for this program.) This program will be a departure from my usual programs that are typically in the wilderness. This one will be at a spa & resort in Las Vegas. I will kick off the gathering with my “Epic Lessons Learned in the Field” presentation. This is the presentation I’m hired to give to inspire women’s leadership groups, corporations, and at various conferences. It will inspire you to take stock of your life and “prime” you to get the most from our time together. Then, each day there will be about a half of a day of programming related to women in their midlife. For part of one day, we’ll travel offsite to a beautiful natural destination, and there will also be a moon ceremony one evening.
In addition to the programming, I will facilitate meaningful conversation, and the sharing of knowledge and experiences will be a huge benefit for all of us. There will also be a great deal of sharing, and learning–and no topic will be off-limits. This program will be inspiring, meaningful, purposeful and fun.
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 27-Sunday, March 1.
WHERE: Las Vegas, NV, at a spa & resort (TBA)
WHO: Women who are in their 40s or 50s. (There are 18-24 spots available, and this program is being offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.)
COST: Email me for more information, pricing, and/or to schedule a call to learn more.
In the meantime, here’s a short and personal video invite:
(Note the dates are off by one day. The correct dates are Feb. 27-March 1):
This is my most popular program. Zion National Park is one of the most beautiful, inspiring and restorative natural wonders in the U.S. and one of my favorite places! With this program, you get to have your cake and eat it too. Enjoy challenging and inspiring epic hikes during the day and luxurious lodging at night. (I have also offered this program to Couples, Leadership teams, and custom groups.) This program comes bundled with three personal coaching calls in the months leading up to the Epic Adventure, three days of guided epic hikes, and 3 nights of luxurious lodging.
WHEN (2 date ranges): May 1-4, 2020 AND Sept. 10-13, 2020.
WHERE: Springdale, UT, near the entrance to Zion National Park. (You’ll fly into and out of Las Vegas, NV, and share a rental car with the others who sign up, and drive 2.5 hours to Zion National Park for the program.)
WHO: Women. (There are 6-8 spots available, and these programs are being offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.)
WHAT: Personal coaching in the months leading up to the Epic Adventure, training recommendations, the guided Epic Adventure (including 3 days of epic hiking) and 3 nights of accommodations.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Email me for pricing, a brochure and to schedule a call to learn more.
This is my most “epic” program and it will change your life. This is for women in their 40s or 50s who are looking to crank it up and do something that will challenge and inspire you. This program is not for the faint of heart! It’s not a guided tour, but an opportunity that will push your limits and develop you in ways you can’t even imagine. You will carry everything you need to live in the wilderness for 5 days on your back. You’ll cross rivers, go off-trail, climb a mountain, sleep in a tent in a remote wilderness, and be inspired for the rest of your life by the scenery you travel through. I promise this will be one of the most unique and unforgettable experiences of your life. The adventure will also be fun, and you’ll make new and lasting friendships. A significant part of this program is the coaching I provide for you in the months leading up to the Epic Adventure. Our coaching and the deep, personal work we’ll do will “prime” you to get even more out of the Epic Adventure. I will also provide you with training tips and recommended workouts so you can physically prepare for this challenging mountain adventure.
WHEN: Adventure dates: July 27-31, 2020. (Program dates, including travel days: July 26-Aug. 1, 2020.)
WHERE: Start/End in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Our backpacking route will be in the wilderness of Wyoming’s Wind River Range. You will arrive in Jackson Hole, WY, by 12 p.m. on July 26 for orientation and Shelli’s “Epic Lessons Learned in the Field” presentation, head into the wilderness on the morning of July 27, return to Jackson Hole on the afternoon of July 31, and depart for home on Aug. 1)
WHO: Women who are in their “midlife,” and who are, or can get, into phenomenal health and fitness for the Epic wilderness adventure. Women who are looking to crank it up and change the conversation in their life. Women who want to do something daring and courageous and Epic. Women who want to see what’s possible for them and their life. Women who are looking to be inspired by nature’s spectacular sights and want to take stock of their life, gain clarity and to discover new possibilities in their life. (Up to 9 spots available)
WHAT: Program includes 3 personal coaching calls pre-adventure and 1 call post-adventure, Shelli’s inspirational presentation “Epic Lessons Learned in the Field,” the 5-day guided Epic Adventure, including learning the many necessary skills to live and travel in the wilderness, and training tips & recommendations. Upon signup, I will provide lodging information for July 26 and 31, logistical travel support and a recommended gear list. Signup and participation are contingent on a phone consultation and your health/medical condition.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Email me for a brochure and to schedule a call to learn more.
Over the years, clients have asked me if I offer custom programs. I’m excited to offer Epic Weekender programs starting in 2020. Groups of leaders, or friend groups or family groups–any group planning a meetup somewhere to celebrate a special occasion or simply being together–may hire me to join them. I’ll share my inspiring “Epic Lessons Learned in the Field” and facilitate meaningful exercises and conversation focused on any of the Epic topics I provide coaching and work in, including but not limited to extensive guided self-reflection, daring to fail, how to be more courageous, mindset (we choose it and we can change it), the people and relationships in our life, self care, commitment, and more.
WHO: Groups of 6-20 who are planning an event or gathering and would like to make it extra special and unique. Work with me to make it meaningful, fun and unforgettable. I’m an expert trip and adventure planner, and an adventure guide so I can also propose a program based on your interests and criteria.
WHEN: I envision these programs to be Weekender programs, meaning Fri-Sunday, or Sat-Monday. However, except for Summer, with enough lead time and notice, I can also provide these on weekdays.
COST: Pricing will be custom, and determined based on the program we come up with and all that is involved. In many cases, once we have a vision for what you’d like me to help provide and facilitate for your group or event, you can propose a price for me to consider.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Email me for a brochure and to schedule a call to learn more.

Epic Women, enjoying the sunrise from a beautiful perch. _______________________________________________________
I can also provide any of my programs, or some variation of them, for custom groups. Email me, and together we can brainstorm an unforgettable adventure!
The greatest regret people have is that they don’t, or didn’t, have the courage to live the life they want to live. Too often we play it safe and live the life others expect us to live. But I’ve learned that we risk our life more when we don’t live it than when we play it safe. The first time I hired and worked with a coach was in 2006. I needed someone who wasn’t family, friend or colleague to keep me honest and hold my feet to the fire when it came to my personal values, goals, and the dreams I had for my life. The experience changed my life. As your coach, I can’t change your life, but I will inspire and help you to change it. I have coached men and women from throughout the United States, from all walks of life. I’m happy to put you in touch with anyone I’ve coached or worked with so you can talk to them firsthand about their experience in working with me as their coach. In fact, I recommend it! I take this work very seriously and I think I’m good at it, but I’m not the coach for everyone. It’s as important to me as it is to you that it’s a good fit. Below are some quotes from a small sampling of satisfied coaching clients.
COST: Depends on frequency, duration, and terms. Email me questions you have about coaching and/or to schedule an exploratory call with me.
My “Epic Lessons Learned in the Field” presentation is different from most keynote presentations. In the presentation, I share stunning wilderness images and stories about lessons learned in the wilderness. These lessons are not only mine but also lessons I’ve learned from leaders I’ve taken into the wilderness. These lessons are metaphors for the skills we need in order to live and lead our best life. I’ve been hired to deliver this presentation to various Publicis.Sapient offices throughout the U.S. as well as in London and Toronto, by Johnson & Johnson Women’s Leadership, Turner Networks, Arthur M Blank Family of Businesses, SunTrust Bank, Fiat-Chrysler’s Women’s Leadership Summit and various conferences. “Epic Lessons Learned in the Field” will light a fire in you. It will inspire you about your life and motivate you to be more courageous, purposeful, and creative in your life.
COST: Email me for pricing and/or to schedule a call to learn more.
I’m 51 years old and I’m married to Jerry (we celebrated our 27th anniversary this year). We have three sons, Wolf, 19, Hayden, 17, and Fin, 12, and a golden retriever named Buddy. I live on the frontier of Wyoming, in the town of Lander, which is situated in the foothills of the Wind River Range and home to 7,500 people.
Among other things, I’m an entrepreneur. Epic Life Inc is my second business. I started my first one, Yellowstone Journal Corporation, and YellowstonePark.com, in 1994, and sold it in 2008 to Active Interest Media, the company that owns Backpacker, Yoga Journal, Better Nutrition, and other lifestyle magazines.
I’m a certified life and leadership coach, keynote presenter, certified wilderness first responder, leadership facilitator, certified personal trainer, writer, and adventure guide. In the last eight years, I’ve coached >200 men and women from throughout the U.S. and I have guided and led even more on wilderness adventures. My biggest passions are travel, adventure, long-distance day hiking, reading, writing and travel blogging. My favorite thing to do is anything outdoors with my family and/or friends.
- Categories: Adventure, Family, Fitness, Life and Leadership, Travel
- Tags: backpacking, epic adventure, epic coaching, epic life, epic women, keynote presenter, leaders, Leadership, Life coaching, midlife, motivational speaker, wilderness trips, women
- Comments: 1 Comment
[…] Here is an overview of all of my programs and offerings. […]