

an epic life

Posts Tagged ‘coach’

Helping You Climb Your Life’s Mountains

May 17th, 2012

People ask me what I do. I tell them I’m a life coach. Instead of answering their question, this response often generates a confused look.

The confused then follow up by asking, What’s a life coach?

As a life coach, I encourage, and help, people to climb the mountains in their lives.

By the way, an epic life is not a perfect life. An epic life is a life lived on purpose. Living on purpose is not easy. If it were, everyone would be doing it.

To live on purpose is to experience struggle, sometimes frequently. It’s hard saying yes; it’s hard saying no; it’s hard letting people in; it’s hard setting boundaries; it’s hard doing the right thing; it’s hard honoring your values 24/7; it’s hard to work less; it’s hard to honor all the relationships that matter to you. The list goes on for all the choices one must make in order to live his or her best (epic) life.

The fact is, living a meaningful life is hard. This is not bad news.

Most of us don’t want to do difficult things. I understand this. I often don’t want to, either, despite my understanding for the point in doing them. But I would argue that it is not despite hardship that we grow. It is often because of it.

In life, there are mountains to climb, some of them seemingly insurmountable.

As a life coach, my mission is to inspire and encourage others to choose to climb these mountains and to support them in the process. I believe that, in most cases, what is on the other side is worth it. I believe this with all of my might. (But, at the very least, the views are better from up high, and you become more skillful and experienced at climbing mountains and enduring struggle. You become more as a result of your climbs.)

So, that’s the best way I can describe what I do. And, it is an honor for me to do this work. Thank you for your support. I am grateful.

(Next up: Tools for discovering your life’s purpose. It is fun and important work to do.)

My Life Coach Makes Me Play Big

March 29th, 2012

I work with a life coach. Her name is Kate Roeske (who, by the way, rocks). This morning I had a call scheduled with her. Before placing the call, I noticed I was feeling nervous.
Why, you ask? Because my coach demands that I play big. Playing big is scary and uncomfortable.
And yet, that is what I pay her for — to demand that I play big.
My life is better than it’s ever been and yet I continue to work with a life coach. The reason is quite simple: without Kate in my corner pushing me to play big, and holding me accountable, I would not play big very often.
In other words, if I wanted to play small, I would not work with a life coach.